Notation: Tire Rotation

If you’ve ever looked at the bottom of your shoes, you’ll see that some parts wear faster than others. The same uneven wearing happens to tires, and that worn tread isn’t good for your vehicle.

Here’s why.

  1. Stay Groovy. It helps your tires last longer. Front tires generally show wear faster than back tires. Heat, turning, braking, and running into the curb at the supermarket also cause uneven wear. When you rotate the tire, wear is distributed more evenly, and your tires will last longer.
  2. Don’t Get Suspended. Uneven tread wear can cause your car to vibrate as it moves, damaging your suspension system.
  3. Safety First. Rotating tires helps to keep more tread on the front tires for longer. More tread means more control as you drive.
  4. Comfort Plus. An even distribution of tread makes your ride a lot more smooth.
  5. Gas savings. When your tires have uneven wear, there is more friction as you drive, which means your engine has to work harder – using more gasoline. Save at the pump by rotating those tires!

Rotating your tires is one of those tasks that need to be done often. Usually, the manufacturers recommend that you rotate them every 5000 to 8000 miles. We rotate tires routinely at Norris. We often are asked to do it during oil changes, tuneups, or other repairs. Make a notation about rotation, and next time you’re in, ask us about it!

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